Media training & crisis management

Issues & crisis management

In the dynamic landscape of today’s business world, reputation is the bedrock on which trust and success are built. Whilst a company strives to uphold strong ethics and diligence, unforeseen challenges happen (often at the worst time!), testing your organisation and plunging those in charge directly into the spotlight.

Prepare for the unexpected

At Reach PR, we understand the unpredictable can happen, so it’s crucial to respond quickly and effectively, whilst allowing proper ‘think time’ so issues don’t escalate into a full-blown crisis.

We specialise in preparing your team with a comprehensive Crisis Communication Plan, tailored to your unique business and individual needs. When unforeseen issues strike, you need answers to critical questions, or rather your public and press do! These plans include:

Who to reach: In times of crisis, knowing who to contact, 24/7, is vital. We’ll ensure you have a well-defined list of key contacts at your fingertips.

The message matters: We can help craft clear, timely and strategic press statements that aligns with your values and protects your reputation.

Media Ready experts: Is your team media-trained and ready to handle the spotlight? We’ll help identify and prepare your spokespeople for press interviews. At Reach PR, we work with a top BBC producer (former Panorama journalist for over 10 years) to put your team through its paces and learn critical skills to remain assertive and calm under pressure. These options are available both online and in person. Contact us to find out more.

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Paddle boarders (photo credit: Red)

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PR camera crew at cycle race (photo credit: SW Pix)

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